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Chceli by ste bývať v zdravom dome? Hľadáte niaku išpiráciu?

Čo sa dá vlastne postaviť z prírodných materiálov? 

Inšpirujte sa tu s videami z rôznych klimatických podmienok.

Obrázok hore je náš dom, ktorý môj manžel vlastnoručne postavil z hliny.

How much can cob house take- strength test

Incredible Small Off-Grid Earthship Home

Natural Building

Wooden villa with swimming pool

Natural Building

Underground house

Natural building

Small cob castle

Natural swimming pool

Natural building

Wooden house

Natural building

Beautiful mud and wood house

Natural Building and a New Sense of the Earth

Strawbale House / Slamený dom

Sekier, Zaježka ecovillage, Slovakia

Natural Building

Wooden villa with swimming pool

Natural swimming pool

Natural building

Secret underground house

Natural swimming pool with waterfall

Natural swimming pool

on top of the house

Natural swimming pool

Searching for ground water

Building well and water filtering unit

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